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  • European Respiratory Society Logo

    Non CPAP therapies in obstructive sleep apnoea – European Respiratory Journal

    erj.ersjournals.com – Mandibular advancement devices (MADs) represent the main non-continuous positive airway pressure (non-CPAP) therapy for patients with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). The aim of the European Respiratory Society Task Force was to review the evidence in favour of MAD therapy. Effects of tongue-retaining devices are not included in this report.  Click here for the…

  • StopBang Questionnaire Image

    How Well Does the STOPBANG Score Predict OSA? MedScape Medical News

    www.medscape.com – I'm going to start this article by talking about basic statistics. I know that I'm gambling a little here, and I hope I don't lose too many readers up front. I figured that I would lay all the cards on the table, however, because I can't make my point without a little math.…

  • Medscape logo

    Jaw Device, CPAP Similar for BP Reduction in Sleep Apnea – MedScape Medical News

    www.medscape.com - The use of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and mandibular advancement devices (MADs) in the treatment of sleep apnea showed similar effects on blood pressure reduction, according to a new network meta-analysis. For the full version of the article click here

  • Obstructive sleep apnoea in women Image

    Obstructive sleep apnoea in women can be overlooked – The Straits Times

    www.straitstimes.com - For a long time, Madam S. could not understand why she felt so drained in the morning despite clocking seven to eight hours of sleep every night. She dragged herself to work, had difficulty focusing and would sometimes doze off during meetings. For full version of the article click here

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